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Swipeout Svelte Component

Swipeout List is not a separate component, but just a particular case of using <List>, <ListItem swipeout> Svelte components and additional Swipeout components.

Swipeout Svelte component represents Framework7's Swipeout component.

Swipeout Components

There are following components included:

Swipeout Properties

<SwipeoutActions> Properties
sidestringrightSwipeout actions side
rightbooleanShortcut for side="right" prop
leftbooleanShortcut for side="left" prop
<SwipeoutButton> Properties
deletebooleanfalseWill automatically delete swipeout list item on click
closebooleanfalseWill automatically close swipeout list item on click
overswipebooleanfalseWill be triggered click automatically if you swipe actions too much - overswipe
textstringSwipeout button text label
confirmTextstringThis text will be shown in dialog where user must agree before item delete
confirmTitlestringThis text will be shown as dialog title where user must agree before item delete

Swipeout Events

<SwipeoutButton> events
clickEvent will be triggered on swipeout button click
<ListItem> events
The following events will be available on <ListItem> with swipeout enabled
swipeoutEvent will be triggered while you move swipeout element. event.detail.progress contains current opened progress percentage
swipeoutOpenEvent will be triggered when swipeout element starts its opening animation
swipeoutOpenedEvent will be triggered after swipeout element completes its opening animation
swipeoutCloseEvent will be triggered when swipeout element starts its closing animation
swipeoutClosedEvent will be triggered after swipeout element completes its closing animation
swipeoutDeleteEvent will be triggered after swipeout element starts its delete animation
swipeoutDeletedEvent will be triggered after swipeout element completes its delete animation right before it will be removed from DOM
swipeoutOverswipeEnterEvent will be triggered when overswipe enabled
swipeoutOverswipeExitEvent will be triggered when overswipe disabled


  import {
  } from 'framework7-svelte';

  let actions;

  function more() {
  function mark() {
  function reply() {
  function forward() {
  function onDeleted() {
    f7.dialog.alert('Thanks, item removed!');
  function onPageBeforeRemove() {
  function onPageInit() {
    actions = f7.actions.create({
      buttons: [
            text: 'Here comes some optional description or warning for actions below',
            label: true,
            text: 'Action 1',
            text: 'Action 2',
            text: 'Cancel',
            strong: true,

<Page {onPageBeforeRemove} {onPageInit}>
  <Navbar title="Swipeout" />

      Swipe out actions on list elements is one of the most awesome F7 features. It allows you to
      call hidden menu for each list element where you can put default ready-to use delete button or
      any other buttons for some required actions.

  <BlockTitle>Swipe to delete with confirm modal</BlockTitle>
  <List strong insetMd outlineIos dividersIos>
    <ListItem swipeout title="Swipe left on me please">
      <i slot="media" class="icon icon-f7" />
      <SwipeoutActions right>
        <SwipeoutButton delete confirmText="Are you sure you want to delete this item?">
    <ListItem swipeout title="Swipe left on me too">
      <i slot="media" class="icon icon-f7" />
      <SwipeoutActions right>
        <SwipeoutButton delete confirmText="Are you sure you want to delete this item?">
    <ListItem title="I am not removable"><i slot="media" class="icon icon-f7" /></ListItem>

  <BlockTitle>Swipe to delete without confirm</BlockTitle>
  <List strong insetMd outlineIos dividersIos>
    <ListItem swipeout title="Swipe left on me please">
      <i slot="media" class="icon icon-f7" />
      <SwipeoutActions right>
        <SwipeoutButton delete>Delete</SwipeoutButton>
    <ListItem swipeout title="Swipe left on me too">
      <i slot="media" class="icon icon-f7" />
      <SwipeoutActions right>
        <SwipeoutButton delete>Delete</SwipeoutButton>
    <ListItem title="I am not removable"><i slot="media" class="icon icon-f7" /></ListItem>

  <BlockTitle>Swipe for actions</BlockTitle>
  <List strong insetMd outlineIos dividersIos>
    <ListItem swipeout title="Swipe left on me please">
      <i slot="media" class="icon icon-f7" />
      <SwipeoutActions right>
        <SwipeoutButton onClick={more}>More</SwipeoutButton>
        <SwipeoutButton delete>Delete</SwipeoutButton>
    <ListItem swipeout title="Swipe left on me too">
      <i slot="media" class="icon icon-f7" />
      <SwipeoutActions right>
        <SwipeoutButton onClick={more}>More</SwipeoutButton>
        <SwipeoutButton delete>Delete</SwipeoutButton>
    <ListItem swipeout title="You can't delete me">
      <i slot="media" class="icon icon-f7" />
      <SwipeoutActions right>
        <SwipeoutButton onClick={more}>More</SwipeoutButton>

  <BlockTitle>With callback on remove</BlockTitle>
  <List strong insetMd outlineIos dividersIos>
    <ListItem swipeout onSwipeoutDeleted={onDeleted} title="Swipe left on me please">
      <i slot="media" class="icon icon-f7" />
      <SwipeoutActions right>
        <SwipeoutButton delete>Delete</SwipeoutButton>
    <ListItem swipeout onSwipeoutDeleted={onDeleted} title="Swipe left on me too">
      <i slot="media" class="icon icon-f7" />
      <SwipeoutActions right>
        <SwipeoutButton delete>Delete</SwipeoutButton>
    <ListItem title="I am not removable"><i slot="media" class="icon icon-f7" /></ListItem>

  <BlockTitle>With actions on left side (swipe to right)</BlockTitle>
  <List strong insetMd outlineIos dividersIos>
    <ListItem swipeout title="Swipe right on me please">
      <i slot="media" class="icon icon-f7" />
      <SwipeoutActions left>
        <SwipeoutButton color="green" onClick={reply}>Reply</SwipeoutButton>
        <SwipeoutButton color="blue" onClick={forward}>Forward</SwipeoutButton>
    <ListItem swipeout title="Swipe right on me too">
      <i slot="media" class="icon icon-f7" />
      <SwipeoutActions left>
        <SwipeoutButton color="green" onClick={reply}>Reply</SwipeoutButton>
        <SwipeoutButton color="blue" onClick={forward}>Forward</SwipeoutButton>

  <BlockTitle>On both sides with overswipes</BlockTitle>
  <List mediaList strong insetMd outlineIos dividersIos>
      subtitle="New messages from John Doe"
      text="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla sagittis tellus ut turpis condimentum, ut dignissim lacus tincidunt. Cras dolor metus, ultrices condimentum sodales sit amet, pharetra sodales eros. Phasellus vel felis tellus. Mauris rutrum ligula nec dapibus feugiat. In vel dui laoreet, commodo augue id, pulvinar lacus."
      <SwipeoutActions left>
        <SwipeoutButton overswipe color="green" onClick={reply}>Reply</SwipeoutButton>
        <SwipeoutButton color="blue" onClick={forward}>Forward</SwipeoutButton>
      <SwipeoutActions right>
        <SwipeoutButton onClick={more}>More</SwipeoutButton>
        <SwipeoutButton color="orange" onClick={mark}>Mark</SwipeoutButton>
        <SwipeoutButton delete overswipe confirmText="Are you sure you want to delete this item?">
      title="John Doe (via Twitter)"
      subtitle="John Doe (@_johndoe) mentioned you on Twitter!"
      text="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla sagittis tellus ut turpis condimentum, ut dignissim lacus tincidunt. Cras dolor metus, ultrices condimentum sodales sit amet, pharetra sodales eros. Phasellus vel felis tellus. Mauris rutrum ligula nec dapibus feugiat. In vel dui laoreet, commodo augue id, pulvinar lacus."
      <SwipeoutActions left>
        <SwipeoutButton overswipe color="green" onClick={reply}>Reply</SwipeoutButton>
        <SwipeoutButton color="blue" onClick={forward}>Forward</SwipeoutButton>
      <SwipeoutActions right>
        <SwipeoutButton onClick={more}>More</SwipeoutButton>
        <SwipeoutButton color="orange" onClick={mark}>Mark</SwipeoutButton>
        <SwipeoutButton delete overswipe confirmText="Are you sure you want to delete this item?">
      subtitle="New messages from John Doe"
      text="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla sagittis tellus ut turpis condimentum, ut dignissim lacus tincidunt. Cras dolor metus, ultrices condimentum sodales sit amet, pharetra sodales eros. Phasellus vel felis tellus. Mauris rutrum ligula nec dapibus feugiat. In vel dui laoreet, commodo augue id, pulvinar lacus."
      <SwipeoutActions left>
        <SwipeoutButton overswipe color="green" onClick={reply}>Reply</SwipeoutButton>
        <SwipeoutButton color="blue" onClick={forward}>Forward</SwipeoutButton>
      <SwipeoutActions right>
        <SwipeoutButton onClick={more}>More</SwipeoutButton>
        <SwipeoutButton color="orange" onClick={mark}>Mark</SwipeoutButton>
        <SwipeoutButton delete overswipe confirmText="Are you sure you want to delete this item?">
      title="John Doe (via Twitter)"
      subtitle="John Doe (@_johndoe) mentioned you on Twitter!"
      text="Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla sagittis tellus ut turpis condimentum, ut dignissim lacus tincidunt. Cras dolor metus, ultrices condimentum sodales sit amet, pharetra sodales eros. Phasellus vel felis tellus. Mauris rutrum ligula nec dapibus feugiat. In vel dui laoreet, commodo augue id, pulvinar lacus."
      <SwipeoutActions left>
        <SwipeoutButton overswipe color="green" onClick={reply}>Reply</SwipeoutButton>
        <SwipeoutButton color="blue" onClick={forward}>Forward</SwipeoutButton>
      <SwipeoutActions right>
        <SwipeoutButton onClick={more}>More</SwipeoutButton>
        <SwipeoutButton color="orange" onClick={mark}>Mark</SwipeoutButton>
        <SwipeoutButton delete overswipe confirmText="Are you sure you want to delete this item?">