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Kitchen Sink

Framework7-React Kitchen Sink is a great place to get started, it has a lot of examples for all Framework7-React components and covers most of aspects.

It is recommended to use it as a reference during development.

Source Code

React Kitchen Sink source code is located at GitHub repository

Running Locally

To run Framework7-React Kitchen Sink locally we need:

  1. Download and unzip Framework7 GitHub repository to a local folder

  2. Install Node.js (if not installed)

  3. Install Gulp (if not installed) by executing the following command in terminal:

    $ npm install --global gulp
  4. Now, we need to install required dependencies. Go to the folder with downloaded and unzipped Framework7 repository and execute in terminal:

    $ npm install
  5. We are ready to launch Framework7-React Kitchen Sink, just execute in terminal:

    $ npm run react