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Pie Chart React Component

Framework7 comes with simple Pie Chart component. It produces nice looking fully responsive SVG charts.

Pie Chart Components

There are following components included:

Pie Chart Properties

idstringChart element ID attribute
sizenumber320Generated SVG image size (in px)
tooltipbooleanfalseEnables tooltip on hover
datasetsarray[]Chart data sets. Each object in datasets array has the following properties:
/** Dataset value */
value: number;
/** Dataset HEX color */
color?: string;
/** Dataset label */
label?: string;
formatTooltipfunction(data)Custom render function that must return tooltip's HTML content. Received data object has the following properties:
index: number;
value: number;
label: string;
color: string;
percentage: number;

Pie Chart Events

select(index, item)Event will be triggered (when tooltip enabled) on chart hover


import React from 'react';
import { Page, Navbar, BlockTitle, Block, PieChart } from 'framework7-react';

export default () => {
  return (
      <Navbar title="Pie Chart" />
      <Block strongIos outlineIos>
        <p>Framework7 comes with simple to use and fully responsive Pie Chart component.</p>
          Pie Chart generates SVG layout which makes it also compatible with SSR (server side
      <BlockTitle>Simple Pie Chart</BlockTitle>
      <Block strongIos outlineIos>
              value: 100,
              color: '#f00',
              value: 200,
              color: '#0f0',
              value: 300,
              color: '#00f',

      <BlockTitle>With Tooltip</BlockTitle>
      <Block strongIos outlineIos>
              label: 'JavaScript',
              value: 150,
              color: '#ff0',
              label: 'Vue.js',
              value: 150,
              color: '#0f0',
              label: 'TypeScript',
              value: 400,
              color: '#00f',

      <BlockTitle>Custom Format Tooltip</BlockTitle>
      <Block strongIos outlineIos>
              label: 'JavaScript',
              value: 1000,
              color: '#ff0',
              label: 'Vue.js',
              value: 100,
              color: '#0f0',
              label: 'TypeScript',
              value: 200,
              color: '#00f',
          formatTooltip={({ color, value, label }) =>
            `You have <span style="color: ${color}">${value} points</span> for ${label}`