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Segmented Svelte Component

There are following components included:

Button Properties

Button component has almost the same properties as the Link component but with few additional button-specific properties:

<Segmented> properties
raisedbooleanfalseMakes segmented raised
raisedIosbooleanfalseMakes segmented raised only in iOS theme
raisedMdbooleanfalseMakes segmented raised only in MD theme
roundbooleanfalseMakes segmented round
roundIosbooleanfalseMakes segmented round only in iOS theme
roundMdbooleanfalseMakes segmented round only in MD theme
strongbooleanfalseMakes strong segmented
strongIosbooleanfalseMakes strong segmented only in iOS theme
strongMdbooleanfalseMakes strong segmented only in MD theme
tagstringdivTag used to render Segmented element. Can be div or p


  import { Page, Navbar, Block, Segmented, Button } from 'framework7-svelte';

  let activeStrongButton = 0;

<!-- svelte-ignore a11y-invalid-attribute -->
  <Navbar title="Segmented" />

  <Block strong outlineIos>
    <Segmented tag="p">
      <Button active>Active</Button>
    <Segmented strong tag="p">
      <Button active={activeStrongButton === 0} onClick={() => (activeStrongButton = 0)}
      <Button active={activeStrongButton === 1} onClick={() => (activeStrongButton = 1)}
      <Button active={activeStrongButton === 2} onClick={() => (activeStrongButton = 2)}
    <Segmented raised tag="p">
      <Button active>Active</Button>
    <Segmented tag="p">
      <Button outline>Outline</Button>
      <Button outline>Outline</Button>
      <Button outline active>Active</Button>
    <Segmented raised round tag="p">
      <Button round>Button</Button>
      <Button round>Button</Button>
      <Button round active>Active</Button>
    <Segmented round tag="p">
      <Button round outline>Outline</Button>
      <Button round outline>Outline</Button>
      <Button round outline active>Active</Button>