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App / Core

When we init the app we can use the new Framework7 constructor and pass an object with main app parameters:

var app = new Framework7({
  // Enable swipe panel
  panel: {
    swipe: true,
  // ... other parameters

This constructor returns main app Framework7 instance.

App Parameters

Lets look at the list of available parameters:

elstringbodyApp root element. If you main app layout is not a direct child of the <body> then it is required to specify root element here
componentRouter ComponentLoad app layout from passed main app component. Only for Framework7 Core version
componentUrlstring ComponentPath to Single File main app component to be loaded via XHR. Only for Framework7 Core version
namestringFramework7App name. Can be used by other components, e.g. as the default title for Dialog component.
themestringautoApp theme. Can be ios, md or auto. In case of auto it will use iOS theme for iOS devices and MD theme for all other devices.
colorsobjectApp colors. Must be an object with mandatory primary key and other colors you may need. For all colors specified here, app will generate dynamic CSS styles with Material You color palette. By default it is:
  primary: '#007aff',
  red: '#ff3b30',
  green: '#4cd964',
  blue: '#2196f3',
  pink: '#ff2d55',
  yellow: '#ffcc00',
  orange: '#ff9500',
  purple: '#9c27b0',
  deeppurple: '#673ab7',
  lightblue: '#5ac8fa',
  teal: '#009688',
  lime: '#cddc39',
  deeporange: '#ff6b22',
  white: '#ffffff',
  black: '#000000',
userAgentstringUser agent string. Required when used on server-side environments for correct device detection.
routesarray[]Array with default routes to all views.
lazyModulesPathstringPath to Framework7's lazy components. Required to use Lazy Modules with browser modules.
undefinedIf set to true, enables dark mode. If set to false, disables dark mode. If set to auto automatically enables dark theme based on user system color scheme preference. This feature support is based on (prefers-color-scheme) media query support.
initbooleantrueBy default Framework7 will be initialized automatically when you call new Framework7(). If you want to prevent this behavior you can disable it with this option and then initialize it manually with app.init() when you need it.
initOnDeviceReadybooleantrueIf automatic initialization is enabled with init: true parameter and app is running under cordova environment then it will be initialized on deviceready event.
iosTranslucentBarsbooleantrueEnable translucent effect (blur background) on navigation bars for iOS theme (on iOS devices)
iosTranslucentModalsbooleantrueEnable translucent effect (blur background) on modals (Dialog, Popover, Actions) for iOS theme (on iOS devices)

Object with events handlers. For example:

var app = new Framework7({
  on: {
    init: function () {
      console.log('App initialized');
    pageInit: function () {
      console.log('Page initialized');
Clicks Module Parameters
clicksobjectObject with clicks-module related parameters:
var app = new Framework7({
  clicks: {
    externalLinks: '.external',
externalLinksstring'.external'CSS selector for links that should be treated as external and shouldn't be handled by Framework7. For example such '.external' value will match to links like <a href="somepage.html" class="external"> (with class "external")
Touch Module Parameters
touchobjectObject with touch-module related parameters:
var app = new Framework7({
  touch: {
    tapHold: true,
touchClicksDistanceThresholdnumber5Distance threshold (in px) to prevent short swipes. So if tap/move distance is larger than this value then "click" will not be triggered.
disableContextMenubooleanfalseSet to true to disable context menu (with right click or tap and hold)
tapHoldbooleanfalseEnables tap hold
tapHoldDelaynumber750Determines how long (in ms) the user must hold their tap before the taphold event is fired on the target element
tapHoldPreventClicksbooleantrueWhen enabled (by default), then click event will not be fired after tap hold event
activeStatebooleantrueWhen enabled, app will add "active-state" class to currently touched (:active) element.
activeStateElementsstringa, button, label, span, .actions-button, .stepper-button, .stepper-button-plus, .stepper-button-minus, .card-expandable, .menu-item, .link, .item-link, .accordion-item-toggleCSS selector of elements where enabled activeState will add appropriate active class
activeStateOnMouseMovebooleanfalseWhen enabled it keeps "active state" on mouse move
iosTouchRipplebooleanfalseEnables touch ripple effect for iOS theme
mdTouchRipplebooleantrueEnables touch ripple effect for MD theme
touchRippleElementsstring.ripple, .link, .item-link, .list-button, .links-list a, .button, button, .input-clear-button, .dialog-button, .tab-link, .item-radio, .item-checkbox, .actions-button, .searchbar-disable-button, .fab a, .checkbox, .radio, .data-table .sortable-cell:not(.input-cell), .notification-close-button, .stepper-button, .stepper-button-minus, .stepper-button-plus, .menu-item-content, .list.accordion-list .accordion-item-toggleCSS selector of elements to apply touch ripple effect on click
touchRippleInsetElementsstring.ripple-inset, .icon-only, .searchbar-disable-button, .input-clear-button, .notification-close-button, .md .navbar .link.backCSS selector of elements to apply inset touch ripple effect on click
serviceWorkerobjectObject with service worker module parameters:
var app = new Framework7({
  serviceWorker: {
    path: './service-worker.js',
    scope: '/',
pathstringPath to service worker file
scopestringPath to service worker scope

These are default app parameters for app core module.

Most of components that has JavaScript API may extend this list of parameters with the property named as component. For example Panel component extends app parameters with panel property that accepts Panel specific parameters.


var app = new Framework7({
  // Extended by Panel component:
  panel: {
    swipe: true,
    visibleBreakpoint: 1024,
  // Extended by Dialog component:
  dialog: {
    title: 'My App',
  // Extended by Statusbar component:
  statusbar: {
    iosOverlaysWebview: true,

App Methods & Properties

Returned Framework7 instance app contains a lot of useful properties and methods:

app.nameApp name passed in parameters
app.routesApp routes
app.elApp root HTML element
app.$elDom7 instance with app root HTML element
app.rtlBoolean property indicating app is in RTL layout or not
app.themeString with current app theme. Can be md, ios
app.darkModeBoolean property that indicates whether the dark theme active or not.
app.widthApp width in px
app.heightApp height in px
app.leftApp left offset in px
app.topApp top offset in px
app.initializedBoolean property indicating app is initialized or not
app.$Dom7 alias
app.paramsApp parameters
app.supportObject with properties about supported features. Check the Support utilities section
app.deviceObject with properties about device. Check the Device utilities section
app.utilsObject with some useful utilities. Check the Utils section
app.serviceWorker.containerService worker container (navigator.serviceWorker)
app.serviceWorker.registrationsArray with registered service workers
app.onlineBoolean property indication app connection state. (true if online)
app.setColorTheme(color)Sets primary color theme. color must be a HEX color, e.g. #ff0000
app.setDarkMode(mode)If mode is true, enables dark mode. If mode is false, disables dark mode. If mode is auto automatically enables dark theme based on user system color scheme preference.
app.on(event, handler)Add event handler
app.once(event, handler)Add event handler that will be removed after it was fired
app.off(event, handler)Remove event handler
app.off(event)Remove all handlers for specified event
app.emit(event, ...args)Fire event on instance
app.init()Initialize app. In case you disabled auto initialization with init: false parameter
app.serviceWorker.register(path, scope)Register service worker. It returns promise that will be resolved with ServiceWorkerRegistration
app.serviceWorker.unregister(registration)Unregister service worker. It returns promise that will be resolved when service worker unregistered.

Same as with app parameters most of components that has JavaScript API may extend this list of properties with the property named as component. For example Panel component extends app instance properties with panel property that accepts Panel specific properties and methods.


// Open panel

// Hide statusbar

App Events

App instance emits the following core events:

initEvent will be fired on app initialization. Automatically after new Framework7() or after app.init() if you disabled auto init.
resizeEvent will be fired on app resize (window resize).
orientationchangeEvent will be fired on app orientation change (window orientantion change).
click(event)Event will be fired on app click
touchstart:active(event)Event will be fired on touch start (mousedown) event added as active listener (possible to prevent default)
touchmove:active(event)Event will be fired on touch move (mousemove) event added as active listener (possible to prevent default)
touchend:active(event)Event will be fired on touch end (mouseup) event added as active listener (possible to prevent default)
touchstart:passive(event)Event will be fired on touch start (mousedown) event added as passive listener (impossible to prevent default)
touchmove:passive(event)Event will be fired on touch move (mousemove) event added as passive listener (impossible to prevent default)
touchend:passive(event)Event will be fired on touch end (mouseup) event added as passive listener (impossible to prevent default)
serviceWorkerRegisterSuccess(registration)Event will be triggered when service worker successfully registered
serviceWorkerRegisterError(error)Event will be triggered when service worker registration failed
serviceWorkerUnregisterSuccess(registration)Event will be triggered when service worker successfully unregistered
serviceWorkerUnregisterError(registration, error)Event will be triggered when service worker unregister failed
onlineEvent will be fired when app goes online
offlineEvent will be fired when app goes offline
connection(isOnline)Event will be fired on network state change
darkModeChange(isDarkTheme)Event will be fired on device preferred color scheme change. It has effect only when darkMode parameter is set to 'auto'

And again, most of components that has JavaScript API may extend this list of events like Panel component will also trigger additional events on app instance.


app.on('panelOpen', function (panel) {
  console.log('Panel ' + panel.side + ' opened');

app.on('connection', function (isOnline) {
  if (isOnline) {
    console.log('app is online now')
  } else {
    console.log('app is offline now')

app.on('darkModeChange', function (isDark) {
  if (isDark) {
    console.log('color scheme changed to Dark')
  } else {
    console.log('color scheme changed to Light')

CSS Variables

  ==================== */
:root {
  --f7-safe-area-left: 0px;
  --f7-safe-area-right: 0px;
  --f7-safe-area-top: 0px;
  --f7-safe-area-bottom: 0px;

  --f7-safe-area-outer-left: 0px;
  --f7-safe-area-outer-right: 0px;

  @supports (left: env(safe-area-inset-left)) {
    --f7-safe-area-top: env(safe-area-inset-top);
    --f7-safe-area-bottom: env(safe-area-inset-bottom);
    .panel-left {
      --f7-safe-area-left: env(safe-area-inset-left);
      --f7-safe-area-outer-left: env(safe-area-inset-left);
    .panel-right {
      --f7-safe-area-right: env(safe-area-inset-right);
      --f7-safe-area-outer-right: env(safe-area-inset-right);
    .no-ios-left-edge {
      --f7-safe-area-left: 0px;
      --f7-safe-area-outer-left: 0px;
    .no-ios-right-edge {
      --f7-safe-area-right: 0px;
      --f7-safe-area-outer-right: 0px;

  --f7-device-pixel-ratio: 1;
  @media (min-resolution: 2dppx) {
    --f7-device-pixel-ratio: 2;
  @media (min-resolution: 3dppx) {
    --f7-device-pixel-ratio: 3;
  Fonts & Bars
  ==================== */
:root {
  --f7-font-size: 14px;

  --f7-bars-translucent-opacity: 0.8;
  --f7-bars-translucent-blur: 20px;
.ios {
  --f7-font-family: -apple-system, SF Pro Text, SF UI Text, system-ui, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
  --f7-line-height: 1.4;
  --f7-bars-link-color: var(--f7-theme-color);
  --f7-bars-text-color: #000;
  --f7-text-color: #000;
  --f7-bars-bg-color: #f7f7f8;
  --f7-bars-bg-color-rgb: 247, 247, 248;
  --f7-bars-border-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.25);
.ios .dark,
.ios.dark {
  --f7-bars-text-color: #fff;
  --f7-text-color: #fff;
  --f7-bars-bg-color: #121212;
  --f7-bars-bg-color-rgb: 22, 22, 22;
  --f7-bars-border-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.16);

.md {
  --f7-font-family: Roboto, system-ui, Noto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
  --f7-line-height: 1.5;
  --f7-bars-border-color: transparent;
  --f7-text-color: #212121;
.md .dark,
.md.dark {
  --f7-text-color: rgba(255,255,255,0.87);

.md .dark,
.md [class*='color-'] {
  --f7-bars-link-color: var(--f7-md-on-surface);
  --f7-bars-bg-color: var(--f7-md-surface-2);
  --f7-bars-bg-color-rgb: var(--f7-md-surface-2-rgb);

  Color Themes
  ==================== */
.text-color-primary {
  --f7-theme-color-text-color: var(--f7-theme-color);
.bg-color-primary {
  --f7-theme-color-bg-color: var(--f7-theme-color);
.border-color-primary {
  --f7-theme-color-border-color: var(--f7-theme-color);
.ripple-color-primary {
  --f7-theme-color-ripple-color: rgba(var(--f7-theme-color-rgb), 0.3);